Senior Software Engineer
January 2022 - Present
- Led and mentored multiple teams of engineers in system design, product development and technology implementation
- Implemented TypeScript with custom types and interfaces, resulting in a predictable, readable, and extensible codebase
- Constructed a RESTful Node.js server with Express to build out routes and middleware for data fetching and authentication
- Revamped the front-end using React and Material UI to provide reusable and responsive front-end components in a mobile-first approach for enhanced usability across all devices—prioritizing ease of use and clear, intuitive design
- Overhauled product design by incorporating 4 new, optimized visualization tools: a custom Prometheus query tool, an architecture visualizer component, 15 robust Grafana dashboards, and a customized infrastructure cost forecasting tool
- Utilized MongoDB to securely store user credentials and session data through JWTs stored in server-side cookies
- Deployed Kubernetes clusters via Google Cloud Platform with GKE to minimize setup time, resource cost, and logistical complexity